Love is Not Sex | Truth & Knowledge | Trey Knowles

2024-03-29 11

Love is not sex and if you think love is sex then you have a serious problem. It is called lust. I used to be like this. I am telling you to repent and change. Sex before marriage is sinful. Do not continue to do this repent and change. So women do allow men in your bed unless you are married to them. Love is not sex.

It’s time for men to come away from lust. If you are masturbating, or watching porn you are ungodly and it is sinful, and these are ungodly acts. If you are going to a strip club look at strippers something is wrong with you, and you are living a sinful life. It's time for you to repent and change. Masturbation is not normal.

Do not touch a woman, do not sexually abuse women, so men get it together because this is a downfall for some men. Women are not slaves; women are not sex slaves so stop trying to boss women around. If you are selling women and lusting after women something is seriously wrong with you and you need to get help. Love is not Sex

Men you must have self-control, so control yourself, Women are not the problem. You are the problem. You must have self-control. If you are having sex with a woman and not married you are living in sin. It’s time to change that lifestyle and remove yourself from that life because it is sinful.

Love is not sex

Love is Not Sex
by Trey Knowles
Truth & Knowledge Episode 55